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Apple watch can soon prevent skin cancer, premature skin ageing and sunburns

The US Patent and Trademark office has recently granted a patent to the Cupertino, California-based technology company that would help the Apple watch to monitor the ultraviolet light exposure or in other words use a UV light sensor to detect if a user is outdoors and how much he/she has been exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The system provides the information regarding the total exposure to UV light either via a text message or an alert including guidance on preventive measures if the levels are excessively high. The data from the sensors is first fed into an analyser. The analyser compiles the total exposure time and amount of UV light the user has been exposed to and then alert the user.

Furthermore, the patent suggests that the UV index value and the total amount of exposure to the UV rays would be combined to determine if the user stands at a risk of skin damage and guiding the users for appropriate preventive measures to minimize the damage.

Additionally, the smart watch would also feature an ambient light sensor and an infrared light sensor that would be used to determine the amount and state of light the user is getting exposed to.The new feature would add various health benefits associated with the new Apple watch series 4 which can help prevent sunburns, premature skin ageing and even skin cancer by keeping a track on the UV rays exposure time.

The new Apple watch also has a feature named ‘Fall Detection’ that will alert emergency contact numbers in one’s mobile phone in case the user meets with a hard fall.

The new watch also has an electric heart sensor to send across low heart rate notifications and faster heart rate reading. The watch will also immediately notify the user about the user’s abrupt heart rate for when one’s temper is going haywire requiring the user to cool down the mind. The electric heart sensor is capable of taking an electrocardiogram using the ECG app which by now should be available in the US as it was already approved by the FDA in 2018.


InnoHEALTH Magazine

Author InnoHEALTH Magazine

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